financial literacy

Financially CLEAN Unveils Free E-book, The College Playbook --1000 Youth Attend Assemblyman Walter Mosley's 5th Annual Career

Assemblyman Walter Mosley hosted over 1000 teens at his 5th Annual Career Fair at the Shirley A. Chisolm State Office Building in Fort Greene, Brooklyn on Friday. That’s a lot of downloads!!! We officially launched The College Financial Playbook, a Free E-book there, which was beyond awesome.

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They are Living Financially CLEAN and have the arm bands to prove it!

Every child that downloaded our free e-book on Friday received a Financially CLEAN arm band to remind them to pay their bills on time. 

Assemblyman Walter Mosley took the time to visit with us and see how the magic happens and how we are trying to share financial literacy one e-book and child at a time.  And we had to take one State Office Selfie!!

Financially CLEAN to be Honored at The 12th Annual Brooklyn Holiday Family Event: Turn Up to Give Back Dec 16th!

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“We are both humbled and overwhelmingly excited to be honored at the 12th Annual Brooklyn Family Holiday Fundraiser Event this year!”
— Financially CLEAN Co-Founder, Shaun Lynda
“What an awesome way to end the year, to be recognized and supported by your peers and a community you’re so proud to be a part.” 
— Financially CLEAN Co-Founder, Dionne Nicholls

We invite everyone come out and join us for a great celebration hosted by The Brooklyn Family. 

BUY your ticket HERE!





Check out last year's festivities! 

The Brooklyn Family is a group of close friends and relatives that came together during the Christmas season in the late 1990’s to host holiday parties.  Over the years, the collection of individuals hosted multiple gatherings in their Brooklyn community, strategically selecting venues operated by small business owners with the intention to have a good time while supporting local entrepreneurs.  In addition, The Brooklyn Family would also identify impactful non-profits that serve the Brooklyn community, and these selected organizations would be highlighted at the holiday event and all the proceeds of the event would be donated to the organizations.  All attendees had an opportunity to celebrate in holiday spirit while meeting mutual community stakeholders.  Each organization was given a moment during the party to describe their organization and pitch any needs of their organization to attendees. After each organization had an opportunity to inform the community of their great works and needs, the party would resume!

In 2016, after about a seven-year intermission, some of the individuals of the original Brooklyn Family host crew, decided to reignite the old annual party with a purpose.  In 10 days, The Brooklyn Family rebooted with vigor, with a fundraiser surpassing all previous years. Now, The Brooklyn Family has decided to keep the momentum and the mission with a quarterly event to highlight and promote the good work serving Brooklyn so that we can better serve the needs of our beloved Brooklyn. 

Open bar 7pm to 8:30, free food, music by DJ Fanatic and great people. Proceeds will benefit UWantGame, Financially Clean and Chionesu Bakari Program for Young Men.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Two Black Guys with Good Credit takes your money calls on CBC Radio Show, Ontario Today!

Two Black Guys with Good Credit Co-host, Shaun Lynda, goes home to Canada to sit down this week with Rita Celli, host of CBC Radio show, Ontario Today, as part of their Debt Series.  Hear from the brave callers and the fun, enlightening conversation that ensues. Listen to the full show here.

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Financially CLEAN Makes Headlines! BLACK ENTERPRISE MAGAZINE Takes You Inside the Classroom

BLACK ENTERPRISE gives you a fly on wall the view of how Financially CLEAN takes a straight-talk, strategic approach to teaching young people the core financial principles they need to succeed.

Journalist, Robin White-Goode, joins the students of college mentorship access program, Boys Hope Girls Hope to see how Financially CLEAN teaches the concept of credit.

Journalist, Robin White-Goode, joins the students of college mentorship access program, Boys Hope Girls Hope to see how Financially CLEAN teaches the concept of credit.

Journalist, Robin White-Goode had the opportunity to sit in on a class to see how, Co-Founder and Instructor, Shaun Lynda engages the students to learn complex financial concepts in a fun and interactive way using a delivery that is relatable to them.

Read the full article here to get an inside look.

It is our goal to create a safe space for kids to talk about personal finance. When we see the students’ hands shooting up in the air, firing questions, initiating robust discussions, laughing and having a good time in the classroom, that’s when we know we are connecting and that’s when the magic happens!
— Dionne Nicholls, Program Director

Chipotle and Financially CLEAN Invite Brooklyn to Eat for Change Today

On Tuesday June 13th, Chipotle Mexican Grille in Brooklyn on Myrtle Ave is partnering with Financially CLEAN to make early financial education accessible to under resourced high school students. 50% of proceeds from sales today will go to fund programming --giving Taco Tuesday a whole new meaning. See complete details below.

Financially CLEAN has graduated close to 800 students in less than 2 years and with the help of organizations like Chipotle and the support of the community we hope to double that number next year.
— Shaun Lynda

Dionne Nicholls, Program Director for CLEAN sharing financial life lessons with the students of PATH High School.